We are all “essential business”

As business owners, we have a responsibility to ensure the safety of our clients and/or customers at all times, even if it costs us some revenue. But, to what extent should we entrepreneurs suffer? What level of dischord should we sew with those who desire our goods and services? We further have a responsibility to continue to provide our products and/or services, and yes, even during times of peril, we are all “essential” as most are seeing now… While you may not all agree– most believe the current pandemic is being irresponsibly over- exaggerated by comparing COVID-19 to the Spanish flu that killed tens of millions of people, or other viruses that were much more aggressive and deadly. 


As with any subject matter being reported under the distorted lens of a magnifying glass, it will do just that– magnify the intensity of whatever the situation may be. It is up to us, as entrepreneurs, to use our common sense, and instill trust that we have taken all precautions. While we are not suggesting to dismiss precautions, I am proposing that we must move forward with life– taking precautions, being conscientious, and walking through the world slightly different right now.


However, this paralyzation around the globe, in almost every facet, is not the answer. Moreover, business owners specifically, have a paramount duty to lead from a different posture during the foreseeable future. Now is the time to take steps to protect your clients, your customers, your friends and family, and not to create panic or hysteria– or even worse, deafening silence.


As with anything, this is temporary. I know, it may sound a bit broad, but it’s a fact. The White House and states are currently planning reopenings, some strict, while others much more practical, starting now. We now have the opportunity to fix and reshape our business, look at thinks differently as we are being told daily, the “new normal” will be different. But how different is that exactly? Remember this- the more we are told something, the more we start to believe it! Lead your business, lead your mind, lead your employees back to the best new normal, and new you! 


How we deal with the coming weeks will subsequently determine the year. With that, what measures have you taken as a business owner to lead during this turbulent and unpredictable time? While certain populations of the world are potentially on a path toward devastation at the hands of COVID-19, we must view this through the lens of just another challenge. Remember, true leadership is measured in times of distress, not when things are grandiose. The latter scenario is easy for anyone, leader or follower. Now is the time to rise above the muck and the mire and boldly aspire to greater creativity!


Below are a few simple things that can be done to instill confidence and trust with clients and customers, while the fear mongering ramps up all around us. Trust me, people do not want to sit at home for days/weeks, let alone months, without working. Cabin fever can manifest quickly on most people. That irritability and restlessness of closing one’s self off to the world will quite obviously not put a necessary spark into our economy. So let’s show our clients, customers and friends the forward-thinking steps we are taking, so they can trust we have, and are, taking all precautions seriously. And remember, people still need the same products and services they have required and wanted prior to the Coronavirus outbreak. And as we touch on earlier, we need to just walk through life, TEMPORARILY, a little differently.


  1. Provide sanitizer for all who walk through your doors. Mount on wall at entrances. Short on supply? We know where to have it delivered.
  2. Show pictures or videos of steps you’re taking to create a Corona-free, or any bacteria-less environment.
  3. Provide an overnight shipping method for your customers.
  4. If working on marketing projections or growth agendas, take the time to implement new ideas. Stay ahead, not behind.
  5. As the leader, ensure that no one is ill at your place of business, and demonstrate how serious you are about having taken precautions.
  6. Send updates via social and emails to connect with your clients and customers. Let them know that while you are fully aware of the current situation, you are still owning the day, delivering for them. 
  7. Be more interactive on all fronts. You don’t have to hug or shake hands to do this effectively, and it is important.
  8. Reduce prices if you can. The economic landscape will rebound.
  9. Set up payment plans as a method to keep the marketplace in motion.
  10. Get involved with the press. Push them assertively to ensure they’re covering the pandemic correctly, factually, and without driving home thoughts of an imaginary apocalypse.
  11. Get on the news, as people are driven to the TV right now. Put yourself and your message out to the public.
  12. Provide tips on precautions they can take- they will respect you because of your authoritative knowledge. 


For a full list of actions you can take, contact us today.


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